Monday, August 12, 2013

Are There Watch-Wearing Style Rules?

Zen L. from Shanghai, China asks:
Is there any conventional wisdom, style guidelines, or style taboos about wearing a watch?? It seems a lot of people are wearing watches below the wrist bone, which I do with a steel bracelet, but not with a leather strap. My dad and people in old photographs sometimes wore them on the underside of the wrist, which seems to work for smaller, thinner watches. Am secretly I being mocked by fashionistas for wearing a steel watch at the same time as a brass belt buckle?? These are silly questions. So silly answers are not inappropriate.
There really isn't an answer to this because as is the case with all things, personal style and what you want to communicate coincides with how you dress and carry yourself. We shared an Esquire article back in 2008 that discussed what they felt wearing your watch in certain ways said about you. It was just one take on the matter, of course. When it comes down to it, you will look your best when you wear what you like, comfortably.
Having said that, we have some rules that we feel most watch lovers tend to abide by. First of all, sizing your watch is important. It doesn't need to but ultra tight and fitted if you like a slightly loose fit, but don't just take it out of the box and strap it on. The watch shouldn't fall off your wrist (or look like it is about to). Also, while some people seem to prefer it, it is sort of a 'no no' to wear your watch on the underside of your wrist. It not only defeats the purpose of allowing people to see it, but in a lot of instances it can make it easier to scratch up your watch. Where you wear your watch on your wrist (high or low) is really up to you.
We can also mention that from a size perspective the lugs shouldn't extend much or at all past the edge of your wrist (then it is too large), and watches that appear too small are usually considered feminine on a man. When it comes to colors and how to match a watch with your wardrobe, conventional wisdom is best. You should match your watch strap color with your shoes and belt, and it possible it looks nice to compliment your clothing colors with your watch... or for some people compliment your watch with clothing colors.
Because we've seen it before (a lot) we'd also like to stress that wearing a quartz watch with a dead battery makes one look like a fool. 745TDBanty 130813


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